Public Comments & Sign On Letters 2016

Senate Finance Committee Bipartisan Chronic Care Working Group

Date: January 26, 2016

Food is Medicine Coalition's comments on the Senate Finance Committee's Policy Options urging the committee to improve the clinical outcomes of malnourished and nutritionally at-risk chronically ill Medicare beneficiaries.

National Institutes of Health, Request for Information [NOT-OD-16-089], Development of the FY 2018 Trans-NIH Plan for HIV-Related Research. FIMC urges NIH to prioritize the investigation of FNS and food insecurity in the Trans-NIH Plan for HIV Research for FY 2018.

FY2018 Trans-NIH Plan for HIV-Related Research 

Date: June 10, 2016

PACHA Letter to the Department of Health and Human Services 

Date: June 12, 2016

Written by the Center of Health Law and Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School. This letter urges the Department of Health and Human Services to expand the coverage of medically tailored meals in Medicare, Medicaid and for CMMI demonstration model funding to include FNS.