2021 Public Comments and Sign-On Letters

Policy Priorities 2021

In the MTM Policy Recommendations below, we offer our expertise and support as food and nutrition professionals working at the increasingly important nexus of clinical care and community care. To read more detail about our Policy Recommendations please read our recent letter to HHS

FIMC Signs on to Federal AIDS Policy Partnership Comment Letter: Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

Comment Written by FIMC in response to the Department’s HIV National Strategic Plan for the United States: A Roadmap to End the Epidemic 2021-2025.

FIMC Signed on to this letter to urge that immediate steps be taken to revitalize efforts to end HIV as an epidemic in all communities.


Sign on Letter in support of the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act of 2021 (H.R. 3108/S. 1536)

FIMC Signed on to this letter to call on Congress and the White House to convene this Conference to address this moral and economic crisis.